Shape Stretch Team

People Passionate about Stretching.

The Shape Stretch advisory team included consultants from a wide spectrum of disciplines including physical therapy, medical products, physical education, instructional designer, martial arts, fitness, athletic training, and engineering. 

Design and Product Development

John DiMarco, Ph.D.
Founder & President / Inventor & Designer

Technical Product Advisers

Dr. Raymond Bartolo, D.C. - Doctor of Chiropractic (ret), medical products - Owner of All American Medical Supply Corp.

Dr. Raymond Cecora, D.PT  - Doctor of Physical Therapy

Instructor Chris Lovarco - MMA, Karate, and Jujitsu

Instructor Danielle Lovarco - Fitness Instructor & yoga

Joseph Deal - Engineering consultant

Jill Deal - Fitness consultant

Ron Serrano - Physical education, Exercise Science

Dr. Kim DiMarco - Educational and instructional consultant